Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Don't worry, I'm still here!

Hi everyone!
I'm so sorry that I haven't posted for ages, I've just been sooooo busy! Since then, so much has happened! On the 14th of January I turned eleven, and got a pretty pink and white polka dot dress for my birthday. Here's a picture of me wearing it:

Then, we went for a two-night holiday to see some friends. Here are the pictures:

Me (left) and Sammie (right)

Saige (left) and I (right)

Cara (left) and I (right)

Addy (left) and I (right)

Maddie (left) and I (right)

We had loads of fun together! The dolls house dolls even had a wedding at a friend's house the first day we were away! (pictures coming soon)

To be continued (I'll post part two of my latest adventures another day)


  1. Happy Belated Birthday Melody!!!!

  2. Happy belated birthday to my birthday sister (it's my birthday too)! Looks like you had a great day!
    Polka dots are the way to go! Love the new pink and white dress. :)

    1. Thanks Melody! I did. More photos coming of opening my present. Yeah, polka dots rock!


Hi everyone!
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